(Above photo taken by Evie Stamatis)
i'm a 24 year old greek-american photographer, eastern orthodox christian, avid coffee drinker, & lifelong music lover based in chicago's west suburbs. and like a good song, there's always a backstory, even when talking about my beginnings in, as well as my inspiration for, photography...
(Below photos: Ed Sheeran concert, Soldier Field, Chicago, IL, July 2023)
so, how did i get started?
while I am the creator of my own documentary lifestyle photography business, the process of getting here took years. it all started when my mom enrolled me in my first black and white film photography class for my sophomore year in high school. at first, i thought photography would just become a fun hobby; eight years, several teachers, a few 4-h ribbons and an associate's degree later, it would prove to be one of my passions. everything i've done so far in this profession, i owe to my mom, and i couldn't be more grateful
(Below photos: taken by Faith Hodge, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2023)

what inspires my creative process?
to answer that, i have to ask: what is something that keeps me going in life? better yet, what is something i was passionate about before photography was even a thought? and the answer was easy: music.
it's been said that i could sing before i could talk. i took piano lessons for 3 years and chanted hymns byzantine style every sunday at church for eight years. i grew up being influenced by the music genres my family enjoyed, but no one expanded my appreciation for music more than my dad. our best memories have been in the car listening to the radio, or pulling out an appealing album from his collection of cd's, like the beatles, blondie, or mariah carey, popping it in the player, and losing myself in the music for hours on end. as time progressed, so did my affinity & knowledge for most of today's music genres & artists
and i thought i wanted a career in something music-related. of course, God had other plans. but music is what drives my creative process to this day
(Below photos: AJR concert, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, Tinley Park, IL, June 2022)

i have also met people that have made my life richer and still play a huge part in being an artistic inspiration for my work. never before did i think a song from an acquaintance would strike me with the idea for my music-inspired photographic style: digital pictures that imitate the dreamy film feel, as well as the montage-like aesthetic of double exposures. simply put, a modern twist on a classic take
(Below photos: Self-portraits, Home, March 2022)